Free Introductory Consultation:
As a way of serving you, I offer a free confidential 20 minute session which we can schedule in person or on the phone. It will give you a chance to describe your current challenge and whether I might be the right person to provide you with the support you need. If you decide to schedule an office appointment, you are welcome to download my office policy and intake forms and bring them with you, or you can fill them out at my office.
I do not work with health insurance companies for the following reasons: |
I don't diagnose. Health insurance billing requires me to assess you as having a "billable" diagnosis when the reality for most of the people that I see is that they have "non-billable" diagnoses. Ethically, I am unwilling to place a label on you which doesn't fit, and which may have some unforeseen consequences down the road.
Privacy and Confidentiality are Important. My affordable fee makes it possible for clients to access support without having to worry about a Managed Care case manager looking over our shoulders as we work. Your privacy is important. MCO's and PPO's often erode the confidentiality standards set by state and federal laws. I'd much rather see more people and cut out the bureaucracy, paperwork, and long phone calls negotiating unreasonable policies..
Emphasis on SOLVING problems. Many of my clients may not meet diagnostic criteria, and are seeking coaching in order to go from where they are presently to where they want to be. They're not necessarily unhappy; they have dreams, and they want to bring them into reality. What they need is a road map, and to figure out where the blocks are....
Is that you?
Counseling Fees
My private practice standard fee is $95 per hour, due at time of service. Extended session (90 minutes) are $140. I provide this option for those that find they work best in longer sessions. If you are a student or are on a limited income, I will work with you at a sliding scale rate. We can discuss this when you call or come in for your first appointment
My standard fee for a two hour group experience is $190. This offers an affordable alternative to personal growth and therapeutic experience, by providing my services in a group setting. Depending on the number of participants, these groups are generally $30-$40 per person.
Scheduling & Cancellations
We'll work together to determine a regular weekly meeting time. If you need to reschedule or cancel, please provide 24 hours notice.
My office is located at 61780 Arrow Avenue on the East side of Bend, just past Landsystems Nursery off Highway 20.